Monday, August 31, 2009

Fall '09 Sports Class Blog Directory

Pat Bigsby - European national soccer
Ashley Ferguson - NASCAR
Michael Harper - NFC North
Alex Havlick - Hockey by Havlick
Becky Koons - World Cup soccer
Andrew Longlet - Minnesota Vikings
Michael Ott - Golf
Erica Pennington - Eastern Iowa hockey
Patrick Rafferty - Fantasy Football Fiend
Derek Reinglass - Bulls and Bears Central
Seth Roberts - Boston Red Sox
Ethan Sebert - Chicago White Sox
Mitch Smith - Big Ten football
Brandon Swedberg - MMA

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Spring '09 Sports Class blog directory

List of blogs for 019:120:003 spring '09 semester

Clark Cahill - Chicago Bulls/NBA
Edward Carroll - Chicago White Sox
Zachary Chriswell - The NBA
Michael Haberle - Green Bay Packers
Charles Kautz - The Hunt (PGA)
Jacob Knabel - Iowa men's basketball
Lauren Langer - Chicago Blackhawks
Dylan Nelson-Sease - Big Ten Football
Sean Neugent - Milwaukee Brewers
Sean Patchett - Chicago Blackhawks
Benjamin Rounsborg - Denver Broncos
Bradley Rudner - Big Ten Basketball
Dave Schwartz - Sports Journalism Today